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Mission Fitness Studio, LLC
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Challenge Sign up
Fit For Fall Challenge begins Sep 29-Nov 9
STEP 1: Purchase your plan (ONLY $10 per week + $10 entry fee) One time purchase of $70
STEP 2: Book your initial Assessment
STEP 3: Download our app
You'll use the email address you used to buy your plan to log in and if you set a password, this is also the password you'll use to log in to the app, too (you may have to select "forgot password".) If it asks you for an invite code it is: FLSTYK
The links are in the app, but they are connected to hidden pages on the website, so you'll need to be sure to log in to the website too. Please stay logged in to both the app and the website.
You'll use the app to book classes and access any of the challenge materials.
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